Dear Strong Spirits…

Dear Strong Spirits,

the courageous ones who stand against the shadows of others.

the ones who stand up against bullies.

the ones with strong morals.

the ones who know how to protect their own energy, in the face of bullies & can change the energy in the room.

the ones who are detached from the shadow world, unaffected and unfazed by their tactics, choosing not to feed the underworld with unhealthy emotional reactions....understanding emotional intelligence.

the ones who are the black sheep, outcasts, "quiet" ones, spiritual warriors, shadow workers, wounded healers, fiery phoenix, mystics, mages, alchemists...

who choose to stand in their truth!

Standing in your uniqueness, unashamed and unapologetic. 

Holding powerful transformational energy from within.

These are the new guides of the world today.....this energy is what I paint. 


Sarah x